de Costescu Liliana | nov. 24, 2020 | News, Noutati
WHO Global Actions on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders ILAE is pleased to announce that on 12th November 2020 during the 73rd World Health Assembly, Member States unanimously approved a Resolution to develop a 10-year Intersectoral Global Action Plan on...
de Dana Craiu | apr. 15, 2020 | News, Noutati
Alegerea președintelui ILAE Alegerea președintelui ILAE pentru mandatul 2021-2025 încheiat pe 10 aprilie 2020 și dr. J Helen Cross a fost ales cu 77% din voturi. Letter to...
de Dana Craiu | sept. 9, 2019 | Conferinte, Cursuri, Noutati
Masterclass on resistant epilepsies (M2) 2 OCTOBER 2019 | HOTEL INTERCONTINENTAL BUCHAREST Bun venitACREDITARE CMRDESPREPROGRAMPARTENERI Masterclass de epilepsii rezistente la tratament M2 este creditat cu 6 puncte EMC de catre CMR masterclass buc 02.10.2019...
de Dana Craiu | mart. 27, 2019 | Noutati
Va invitam sa fiti alaturi de noi si de pacientii cu epilepsie pentru PURPLE DAY! Clinica de Neurologie Pediatrica a Spitalului Alexandru Obregia, Centru de Expertiza de Boli Rare Neurologice Pediatrice, Membru in Retaua Europeana de Centre de Referinta de Epilepsii...
de Dana Craiu | dec. 4, 2018 | Conferinte, Conferinte, News, Noutati
13th Baltic Sea Summer School on Epilepsy (BSSSE 13) Rostock, Germany, August 18-24, 2019 1st...
de Dana Craiu | dec. 2, 2018 | Conferinte, Conferinte, News, Noutati
5th East Mediterranean Epilepsy Congress Marrakech, Morocco 7-9 March 2019 This is a joint regional congress of the International League Against Epilepsy and the International Bureau for Epilepsy Please register on the EMEC site:...