The Romanian Society Against Epilepsy

We fight for a normal life for those suffering from epilepsy!

SRIE is an ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy)

Charted member with full rights.

The Romanian Society Against Epilepsy (SRIE) is a professional association that aims to unite doctors with different majors (neurology, pediatric neurology, electrophysiology, etc), nurses and technicians with interest in helping those suffering from epilepsy through sharing experience, practices and research in the field.

SRIE is an ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy) Charted member with full rights.

Our main areas of activity and action are:

Improving patient care by

– providing the right level of knowledge on epilepsy across the board for Romanian specialists, through events, courses, consultation
– organising and delivering a bursary programme for Romanian specialists
– supporting other organisations who are involved in caring for those suffering from epilepsy
– organising and or developing professional guides and protocols or helping adopt international ones



– working in partnership or under membership schemes with well known European organisations that are involved in epilepsy related research
– Atttracting and or raising funds in order to promote epilepsy related research in Romania


Social Responsibility

– helping raise awareness of epilepsy within the Romanian society
– fighting any discrimination against those suffering from epilepsy

We invite you to join SRIE and take an active part in our mission and the change we want to make!

You can apply for membership by visiting the Members section of the website.

Events of our partners