WHO Global Actions on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders

ILAE is pleased to announce that on 12th November 2020 during the 73rd World Health Assembly, Member States unanimously approved a Resolution to develop a 10-year Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders.


This historic accomplishment was the culmination of outstanding collaboration among leading organizations including the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE), World Federation of Neurology (WFN), and European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) and technical support from the WHO Secretariat. 


ILAE sincerely thanks the leadership of the Russian Federation for initiating the Resolution, as well as Australia, Belarus, Bhutan, China, Colombia, Eswatini, the European Union and its Member States, Guyana, Iceland, Jamaica, Philippines and USA for co-sponsoring.  Of note, many other countries also expressed support including Bahrain, Canada, Sri Lanka and Uruguay. 


The Resolution requests that the WHO develop a broad-ranging Ten-year Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders to include action on:

  • Expanding universal health coverage to address the current significant gaps in the promotion of physical and mental health, and the prevention, early detection, care, treatment and rehabilitation of epilepsy and other neurological disorders
  • Addressing the social, economic, educational and inclusion needs of persons and families living with these diseases
  • Strengthening inter-sectoral collaboration with sectors beyond health, particularly education and employment, to promote equal opportunities for people living with epilepsy and/or other neurological disorders and with other sectors to develop more inclusive legislation and address stigma and discrimination

ILAE and IBE welcome the opportunity to work with the WHO and co-sponsoring Member States as well as with WFN, EFNA and others key partners to develop a comprehensive, evidence-based Intersectoral Global Action Plan to improve the prevention, detection, treatment, care and rehabilitation of epilepsy and other neurological disorders, and to foster greater education and research in these areas.

Work on developing this historic guiding document has already commenced and we look forward to engaging and updating our world-wide constituency as we make progress.

